(Nassau Range) 8 Hour Annual Firearms Training Course for Armed Security Guards
All individuals who take this course are required to qualify with a minimum of seventy percent (70%) on a fifty round shooting course (minimum passing is 35 rounds within the designated target area). All participants after listening to the “Use of Force” lecture and review will take a ten question test with a minimum passing grade of seventy percent (70%). It is required that all participants bring their current N.Y.S. Security License and pistol permit when they come to class. The cost of this program is one hundred dollars ($100.00) for qualification with two weapons. Each additional weapon is twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
Event Information
Event Date | 07-14-2024 8:00 am |
Capacity | 2 |
Registered | 2 [View List] |
Available place | 0 |
Individual Price | $100.00 |
Location | Nassau County Rifle and Pistol Range |