16 Hour On-The-Job Training Course

COST: $225


This course expands upon the topics covered during the Eight Hour Pre-Assignment Training Course. In addition, this is a required course once a security guard has been employed (whether full or part time) A security guard M U S T complete this training course within 90 days of gainful employment. If you are not employed this course is still needed in order to renew your license.

This training will be an extension to the Pre-Assignment Course with additional topics such as, but not limited to:

Sexual Harassment in the Work Place, Defense Tactics, Preliminary Investigations, Officer Survival Techniques, Incident Command System, Ethics & Conduct, Court Room Demeanor, Terrorism, Chemical Suicides, Managing Aggressive Behavior, Report Writing, Mental Awareness, Juvenile Laws, etc.

Retired law enforcement officers are exempt from this requirement.


Completion time is sixteen hours (16 Hours).  





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