The classes contained within have been CANCELED. There will be no classes upon these dates, please do not come to the range, and please call the office Monday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm to reschedule your appointment. All payments will be honored for this class, simply reschedule.
NYS Unarmed Security Guard Training 42 Events
New York State Department of State requires all unarmed security guards to complete the following courses towards their registration:
Initial Training:
8-Hour Pre-Assignment Training: Upon completion of this general introductory course, you must submit the a copy of certificate of completion that you will receive, along with your security guard registration application to the NYS DOS.
16-Hour On-The-Job Training: This course must be completed within 90 days of employment. This is a 2-day course, attendance to both days are required in order to receive a certificate of completion!
Annual Requirements:
8-Hour Annual In-Service Training
We are an approved security guard school, as approved by the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services. You will receive a certificate of completion for each of the courses listed, which you will need to submit to the NYS DOS.
NYS Armed Security Guard Training 58 Events
New York State Department of State requires all armed security guards to complete the following courses towards their armed guard registration:
47-Hour Firearms Training: Must possess a valid NYS pistol permit and unarmed security guard registration to be able to enroll.
NOTE: If you do not yet have NYS security guard registration, you MUST complete the training requirements and apply for the NYS unarmed guard registration before applying for an armed guard upgrade with the NYS DOS. See the NYS DOS Division of Licensing Services on Training Requirements for more details and exemptions.
Annual Requirements:
8-Hour Annual In-Service Training
8-Hour Annual Firearms Training
BOTH of these courses must be completed every calendar year to maintain your registration.
We are an approved security guard school, as approved by the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services. You will receive a certificate of completion for each of the courses listed, which you will need to submit to the NYS DOS.
HR 218 QUALIFICATION – L.E.O.S.A. 112 Events
COST: $75.00
The qualifications of this course comply with the Federal Law; HR-218 (Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act). The qualification card given upon completion can be used as identification to show the person who qualified, has met the letter of the law, regarding the carry of weapons in all fifty states of the United States of America, its Territories and Commonwealths.
The course takes approximately two and a half hours to complete. We first go over weapon safety, then discuss the course of fire (Fifty Round D.C.J.S. Certified Course). Once that is finished, we review the HR-218 requirements of the Federal Bill so you know what is expected of you when carrying your weapon out of state. Participants will then go down range for the qualification (minimum of seventy percent). After qualification a photo identification card is issued to the retired officer. This issued card and their police identification card is required to be carried when they are armed.
The cost of this program is seventy-five dollars ($75.00) (Revolver or Semi-Auto). This course can be combined with the N.Y.S. 8-Hour Annual Firearms for Security Guard course for a discounted price of $150
All participants are REQUIRED to bring their Retired Police ID card, Driver’s License, Pistol License, Weapon of Choice, Magazines, Holster and 50 rounds of Ammunition.
POLICY CHANGE: HR-218 is no longer weapon specific.
You will be able to carry a REVOLVER OR SEMI-AUTOMATIC concealed, under HR-218, regardless of weapon type you qualified with.
ONLY Security Guard classes are Refundable.
These classes are: Pre-Assignment, 16-Hour OTJ, 47-Hour Firearms,. 8-Hour Annual In-Service, and 8-Hour Annual Firearms.
HR-218 Qualification Courses and New York State 18 Hour Concealed Carry Courses are NON-REFUNDABLE but can be credited to future dates for a period of two years.
HR-218 (L.E.O.S.A)
The course takes approximately two and a half hours to complete. We first go over weapon safety, then discuss the course of fire (Fifty Round D.C.J.S. Certified Course). Once that is finished, we review the HR-218 requirements of the Federal Bill so you know what is expected of you when carrying your weapon out of state. Participants will then go down range for the qualification (minimum of seventy percent). After qualification a photo identification card is issued to the retired officer. This issued card and their police identification card is required to be carried when they are armed.
The qualifications of this course comply with the Federal Law; HR-218 (Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act). The qualification card given upon completion can be used as identification to show the person who qualified, has met the letter of the law, regarding the carry of weapons in all fifty states of the United States of America, its Territories and Commonwealths.
POLICY CHANGE: HR-218 is no longer weapon specific.
You will be able to carry a REVOLVER OR SEMI-AUTOMATIC concealed, under HR-218, no matter what type of weapon you qualified with.
All participants are REQUIRED to bring their Retired Police ID card, Pistol License, Weapon of Choice, Magazines, Holster and 50 rounds of Ammunition.
8-Hour Annual Firearms Training Course for Armed Security Guards
All individuals who take this course are required to qualify with a minimum of seventy percent (70%) on a fifty round shooting course (minimum passing is 35 rounds within the designated target area). All participants after listening to the “Use of Force” lecture and review will take a ten-question test with a minimum passing grade of seventy percent (70%).
N.Y.S. ARMED SECURITY requires you to qualify with the weapon or weapons that you wish to carry while on duty as a guard.
All participants are required to bring their current N.Y.S. Security License, Driver’s License, and pistol permit when they come to class.
ONLY Security Guard classes are Refundable.
These classes are: Pre-Assignment, 16-Hour OTJ, 47-Hour Firearms,. 8-Hour Annual In-Service, and 8-Hour Annual Firearms.
HR-218 Qualification Courses is NON-REFUNDABLE but can be credited to future dates for a period of two years.
NYS Concealed Carry 18-Hour Mandatory Training Course
This is the mandatory training now required by New York State to be able to apply for or renew a concealed carry permit. As of September 2022, there are only two types of permits issued in New York State.
1. - Premise Permit also known as Sportsman on Long Island. This permit allows you to go to and from training facilities only and to be stored at your home.
2. - Concealed Carry Permit which allows you to carry your pistol in NYS with exceptions on locations where firearms are not permitted.
If you possess any other type of permit it will not be renewed without the 18HR Concealed Carry course! All licenses will be renewed and re-issued as a concealed carry permit. This new permit will be civilian status. This includes Retired Police Officers and business permits.
Retired officers must get a Federal HR-218 Permit to be able to carry their firearm with retired law enforcement privileges. We offer HR-218 qualifications in Bay Ridge, Nassau County, & Suffolk County.
COST: $375.00 – Nassau & Suffolk
COST: $450.00 – Bay Ridge
The New York State Concealed carry firearms safety training requires (16) hours of -in-person live classroom instruction and (2) hours of live-fire training by Duly Authorized Instructors. Safety Quest Limited is authorized to provide this instruction. A certificate will be issued upon completion of the NYS required 18 hours of training.
(16) Hour In-Person Classroom Instruction Consists of:
- General firearm safety
- Firearm safety storage
- NYS and Federal gun laws
- Concealed Carry situational awareness – firearm display and concealment
- Conflict de-escalation tactics
- Adverse alcohol and drug effects and firearm safety
- Best practices when encountering law enforcement
- Statutorily defined sensitive and restrictive places
- Conflict management
- Use of deadly physical force
- Suicide prevention
- Basic principles of marksmanship
Following completion of the (16) hour in-person classroom instruction each student must score a minimum of 80% on a NYS required written test covering the course curriculum.
(2) Hour Live-Fire Course Curriculum Topics Consist of:
- Range safety, safe drawing, target acquisition, and re-holstering, dry firing, safe loading & unloading of ammunition, performing a firearm condition check: how to achieve and verify a safe and empty firearm condition and the safe discharging of the firearm
Following the live-fire training, each student must demonstrate proficiency as required by New York State conducted by the Duly Authorized Instructor.
All participants must provide their own ammunition. If you need the simunition gun there is an additional $50 ammo fee. Simunition weapons and ammo are only permitted to be sold to training schools. Therefore, you would be unable to provide your own ammo. This fee can be paid at the door by cash, check, or money order
Please email driver’s license & pistol permit to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The New York State 18 Hour Concealed Carry Course must be pre-paid and is NON-REFUNDABLE but can be credited to future dates for a period of two years.
This is primarily a UTAH CONCEALED CARRY COURSE because we want it to be open to everyone regardless of pistol permit status. However, if you do have a pistol permit you are welcome to participate in the requirements for the Florida Concealed Carry Permit in addition to Utah at no additional charge.
Do you have a New York Pistol permit but want to carry your pistol in other states?
Or have you always wanted a carry permit and think NY is too long and tedious?
This course is designed to meet the requirements for the Utah Concealed Carry Permit, the Utah Concealed Carry Permit allows concealed carry in over 30 other states. It does not require Utah residency (Though Residency Restrictions apply in some states), nor does it require a pistol permit to apply for. Anyone may apply for a Utah Permit if the following conditions are true:
Minimum requirements for application for a concealed firearms permit in Utah are:
- Applicant must be at least 21 years of age
- Proof of good character…whereas the applicant;
- has not been convicted of a felony;
- has not been convicted of any crime of violence;
- has not been convicted of any offense involving the use of alcohhas not been convicted of any offenses involving the unlawful use of narcotics or other controlled substances;
- has not been convicted of any offenses involving moral turpitude;
- has not been convicted of any offense involving domestic violence;
- has not been adjudicated by a court of a state or of the United States as mentally incompetent, unless the adjudication has been withdrawn or reversed
- is qualified to purchase and possess a firearm pursuant to Section 76-10-503 and federal law
This course includes the Pistol Safety Course, the Fingerprinting for the Permit, addressed mailing envelops, and the full paperwork application. You are required to attached passport photos. You must bring the passport photos to class to complete the application. (CVS or Walgreens). Everyone will leave ready to apply to the state of Utah for their permit.
The applicant is responsible for knowing where they can carry under their license.
This course subsequent to acquiring the Utah Concealed Carry Permit, along with the 18-Hour Concealed Carry course, may help in acquiring a New York State Pistol Permit if the individual does not have one.
To be able to apply for a Florida Concealed Carry Weapon you must have a pistol permit and participate in a LIVE FIRE QUALIFICATION!
Duration of Course: 4 Hours
Cost: $125.00 per person (all fees are non-refundable but can be applied to classes in the future) Note: You will also need to pay the individual state their processing fee.
Location: Nassau County Rifle & Pistol Range
1 Charles Lindbergh Blvd. Uniondale, NY 11553