8 Hour Annual Firearms Training Course for Armed Security Guards

COURSE DESCRIPTION: 8 Hour Annual Firearms Training Course for Armed Security Guards

Cost: $100

All individuals who take this course are required to qualify with a minimum of seventy percent (70%) on a fifty round shooting course (minimum passing is 35 rounds within the designated target area). All participants after listening to the “Use of Force” lecture and review will take a ten-question test with a minimum passing grade of seventy percent (70%).


This course must be taken ANNUALLY. The security guard license is valid for two years.  Therefore, you must complete two 8-Hour Annual Firearms Courses in order to renew your license. In addition, you must take the 8-Hour Annual In-Service Course. (That is the         classroom setting, unarmed course.) During your two-year license period you must also complete TWO 8-Hour Annual In-Service Courses in order to renew your license.

We offer the 8-Hour Annual In-Service Course monthly at two locations: Belle Terre & the Nassau County Range


N.Y.S. ARMED SECURITY requires you to qualify with the weapon or weapons that you wish to carry while on duty as a guard.

If you are prior law enforcement and qualify for the HR-218 permit as part of L.E.O.S.A.  you may take the HR-218 with this course together at a discounted rate of $150

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